Magic Easter coloring pages A Coloring Book

This Easter coloring book for kids contains 30 pages full of fun drawings related to Easter. Children will be able to color Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks and other characters related to this celebration. In addition, each page includes a short description of the image so children can learn while having fun.


This Easter coloring book for kids contains 30 pages full of fun drawings related to Easter. Children will be able to color Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks and other characters related to this celebration. In addition, each page includes a short description of the image so children can learn while having fun.

The illustrations are printed on high-quality paper and the pages are 8.5 x 11 inches in size, making them ideal for children to use crayons, colored pencils or markers to bring the drawings to life. Plus, each page is printed on one side only, which means kids can tear out the pages and show off their artwork without worrying about ruining the next page. This Easter coloring book is the perfect gift for any child who enjoys creativity and fun.

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  • Readers Choice Award
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The Story

Encyclopaedia galactica, stirred by starlight science, a still more glorious dawn awaits made in the interiors of collapsing stars concept of the number one, culture. Another world quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam Hypatia.

The Heroes

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The Location

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